Due to constant cooperation with trade experts and a rich knowledge and experience possessed by our employees we liquidate damages which require specialistic knowledge concerning all risks.
On the Client’s request we provide complex liquidation of damages as well as its fragment e.g. In a form of expert’s opinion or an ordinary opinion.
So far we have made the following opinions and expertises:
- Fire opinions (establishing the cause of fire, fire protections),
- Construction opinions (construction disasters, design mistakes, executive mistakes, assembly mistakes, evaluations, calculations),
- Electrical opinions (from low-voltage to high-voltage opinions – 110 kV),
- Electrochemical opinions,
- Geodesic opinions(routes for underground infrastructure),
- Accounting opinions,
- Computing opinions
- Legal opinions,
- Installation – water, gas opinions (low-pressure and high-pressure)
- Physio-chemical opinions (examining chemical composition, establishing reaction, DNA),
- Opinions of mechanical vehicles and road traffic,
- Machinery and devices – causes of damages, evaluation of repair costs, value estimation
- railway opinions (trains and infrastructure),
- Aviation opinions (helicopters, airframes),
- Water opinions (yachts, scooters, boats),
- Wind turbines,
- Opinions for highly specialistic machinery and trade devices,
- Opinions for robotics,
- Medical opinions,
- Opinions for mechnical mega-sets,
- Opinions for production lines,
- Agricultural opinions,
- Elektronical opinions,
- Opinions for supervisory devices,